Guest Book

Hi!! Thank you for visiting our site, we hope you find it helpful. Please feel free to leave a comment, question, song request, whatever... or just leave your name so we know you visited! :-) We'll respond to questions when we figure out how!

P.S. - Thanks to Melissa for being the first to comment...
P.P.S. - The snowboarding pictures were taken in Breckenridge! :-)


  1. Where the HECK did you guys go snowboarding?!! Ok, random I know, but I just saw that picture and since you know HOW I fully expect you to come up and go with us to Jay Peak someday- best mountain in the East if you ask me!!!
    Ok, anywho, I LOVE all your photos and that you've started a blog for the wedding! I think as long as we can find someone to watch our dogs, cats, goats, and chickens ( kidding) we should be able to make it!

  2. Congrats Matt and Rachael!!! guys are the perfect compliment to each other and I wish you the best of luck with everything!..Matt you have ALWAYS been my boy and you definetly deserve the best and Rachael I think your cool dan a mug as well...especially since you got the Va. bloodline like me..(GO HOKIES!!!!!).
    If you guys need anything ..please let Jess and I know....we will definetly see you at the zoo on 2/20/10!...cant friggin wait!

  3. Today was obviously a slow day - with nothing (seriously nothing) better to do, I sat here and read all your pages to the Brazilians. It was kindof special actually (not easy for me to admit because I'm not the most sentimental) but we all shead a tear for how fortunate Rach and Matt are to have found each other. Your "Florida Family" all feels the same for you both as a couple - you are truly GREAT together! Sure, it's not the standard relationship story that you guys have written over the past 2.5 years, but it's uniquely Rach and Matt and suits you perfectly. You guys have proven to all of us what true love really means! Wish you all the best in your future life together and remember that your Florida Family is here for you anytime you need a distraction, a hug, or just a reason to dress up in a funny costume.

  4. Your website is soo cute! I can't believe I just looked at it for the first time this morning. Will and I are pumped to come back there TONIGHT!!! I know you're so excited. Can't wait to see y'all tomorrow!
